Tips from Learning Centre Tutors

Choose a regular study spot. This should be a place that is quiet, comfortable and separate from locations where other activities are performed.
A quiet environment minimizes distraction, and comfort can help reduce the stress that is associated with studying. A separate study spot can help put you in a study mindset, but studying on your bed, for example, can make you sleepy.
Find something fun to do when you aren't studying. Make sure it engages your brain. Learn something new, play an instrument, knit, learn a language, play video games.
Create a work and study schedule and stick to it. Pick times to start and stop working/studying. Make sure to set time aside for lunch, breaks, walks etc. Dedicate yourself to the task. If it’s working, focus; if it’s a break, enjoy it.
Take breaks while you study. Some experts recommend taking a 15-minute break every 45 minutes. A rested, relaxed brain will retain more information than one that is overworked.
- Go for a walk, watch some TV, or check your phone.
- Stand, stretch, and move around at least once an hour.
- Look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
Set up a morning routine that makes you feel good and sets up your day for success. (e.g Tidy your room, your house, your work area. Shower. Make breakfast.)
Study difficult material when you are most alert. Is this the early morning for you, afternoon, or late evening? Studying when your brain is most active improves your chances of understanding challenging material.
Break assignments and study time down into manageable pieces. For example, instead of studying for 10 hours in one day, try two hours each day for five days. You will learn more and sweat less!
Whether on your deck or balcony, in your back yard or going for a walk, try to get outside as much as possible. The fresh air and sunlight will help so much.
Be aware of your own health. If you are not feeling well, limit your work and other activities.
Get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise. Although it’s easy for students to neglect a healthy routine during intense parts of the semester, it’s important to pay attention to signals from your body that it is out of balance.
Don't feel bad if you aren't keeping up with your exercise as planned. Just try again starting today.
Try to find safe ways to socialize. Outdoor meet-ups, online game nights, whatever it takes...
Taking Care of Your Wellbeing
You are learning this semester in an extraordinary time, and focus on your own well-being, as well as your health, is of the utmost importance. We've collected resources that we are using too, as we figure out how to care for ourselves and others right now.
Staying Motivated and Engaged

Keeping on track with your studies online can be challenging. Learn strategies to keep you motivated.
How to Stay Motivated When Working From Home
List of strategies to try from UBC-O.
Tools for Fighting Technology Distractions
A resource with list of five apps to use to stay focused.
How to Break Your Procrastination Habit
Video advice to understand your next steps.
Managing Your Time
Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Douglas College Counselling
Personal counselling services free to Douglas College students
24/7 help for BC students
Stress Management: Adapting to Covid-19
BCcampus Resources for adapting during Covid-19
Covid-19 Psychological First-Aid
A resource for all BC residents from UBC-O
Crisis Text Line: Coping with anxiety and stress
Crisis Line for immediate support
Connecting at Douglas
Both Student Life and the Douglas Student Union offer opportunities and activities to stay connected with other Douglas students.

Learning Centre tutors can answer questions about resources and help you learn to use Office 365 or Blackboard for your classes.
These co-op students are available by email. They help with logins, computer functionality, printing, wireless and connectivity.
Chat with a Librarian. Research librarians know how to find everything.
Meet via Zoom to ask questions about course planning, prerequisites, upgrading options, financial aid, and other on-campus support services
Connect to the virtual Front Desk via Zoom.
Schedule an appointment to speak to a Douglas College Counselor for personal or educational counseling.
Connect on Social Media