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Submit-a-draft Tutoring

Student Poetry Contest

The Learning Centre supports Douglas College students who enroll in accredited courses. 

Douglas College students in ENGU 0100 and 0200 level courses are encouraged to reach out to their instructors. 

The Learning Centre is committed to being an active advocate against racism in our communities towards Black, Indigenous, Asian and other racialized groups.

“CWCA Statement of Commitment to Antiracism”

The Learning Centre is a multilingual centre. Though English is the primary language of instruction at the college and the Learning Centre, being able to offer our services and resources in multiple languages is conducive to our goal of helping students learn and become better learners. 

Tutoring: Languages available for tutoring sessions are listed in the tutor's bio when booking an appointment at

Resources: The Learning Centre website as well as many of our resources can be translated using the Language Selector at the top right of this site.

Book an Appointment

Our submit-a-draft peer tutors are available seven days a week to read your writing assignments and respond with questions, feedback, and resources to improve your writing. To upload your work, click on the “Book an Appointment” link above and choose the Submit-a-Draft schedule. On the schedule, you can pick the tutor who will read your paper and when they will respond.

If you would prefer to meet with a tutor in-person to get feedback on any stage of the writing process, we offer that too! Learn about our real-time tutoring here.


If our submit-a-draft tutors are busy, you can also submit your assignments to WriteAway, a similar service available to participating undergraduate institutions across BC, including Douglas College. Qualified tutors from each of the participating institutions staff the service and provide feedback on students' draft writing assignments.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Book a tutoring session to review your understanding and skills for avoiding plagiarism. Choose the following appointments from the drop-down menu when making an appointment.

Avoiding Plagiarism
  • To learn how to paraphrase and quote effectively, without plagiarizing. 
  • In this appointment, you’ll focus on developing your paraphrasing and ability to use sources as evidence in your writing assignments. The tutor will introduce you to Douglas College Learning Centre resources available.  
  • If you have a writing assignment you are currently working on where you are integrating sources as evidence, please bring it to this session.  A graded assignment will also work to review concepts with the tutor.
Using Sources and Citations
  • To learn how to access and follow guides and manuals in order to use APA, MLA and other citation styles to format your writing assignments, as well as how to connect with a librarian for support with citation formatting.
  • In this appointment, you’ll learn how to find the formatting and style rules needed for your assignments, as well as what aspects of the style and formatting are important in most college assignments. The tutor will introduce you to resources available, as well as help you come up with a plan to keep learning the skills needed.
  • When booking your appointment, choose the citation style you want to learn about to ensure that you meet with a tutor who is familiar with that particular set of formatting and style rules.
Other Academic Integrity Topics
  • To increase awareness of the principles and concepts behind academic integrity and intellectual property, and to answer questions about academic integrity concepts beyond plagiarism and citations.
  • In this appointment, you’ll build on your understanding of academic integrity. The tutor will also introduce you to Douglas College resources available, as well as help you come up with a plan to keep learning the skills needed.

Learn more about academic integrity resources at Douglas College. 

Submit-a-Draft Limitations

Tutors are not copy editors; they will suggest improvements in writing process and practice, but cannot catch every potential mistake. You are responsible for proofreading your assignment before submitting it to your instructor.

Appointments are available three days in advance. You can submit revised drafts up to 2 hours before your appointment time.

You can only have one submit-a-draft appointment active at a time. You will not be able to book a second appointment until you receive feedback on your first appointment.

You can book a maximum of three submit-a-draft appointments per week.

Creative Commons LicenseThe Learning Centre web pages and handouts produced by the Learning Centre are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless indicated otherwise on the page or document.