Interested in Becoming a Tutor?

Interested in becoming a tutor? We are now accepting applications!
Interview Success
We want to make sure that all students who are selected are successful during our interview process. Please refer to the Douglas College Career Centre for proper interviewing etiquette to prepare and enrich your interview experience.
As part of the interview process, you must provide contact information for two (2) instructors as references; at least one instructor should be from the course or subject area that you’d like to tutor. We recommend that you contact these instructors to ask them if they will be a reference for you when you apply for the position.
We will also ask you to provide a work or volunteer reference as part of the interview process.
Get paid for work, up to 20 hours per week.
Help your peers become better students and simultaneously improve your study skills.
Develop your communication and leadership skills.
Get internationally recognized tutor accreditation from the College Reading and Learning Association.
The Role
Peer tutors are students who have been successful in their courses. They receive training to help students develop appropriate academic skills for the courses they tutor (such as writing, computer and math skills, study skills, and understanding of course content).
Required Qualifications for all Tutors
All candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher (a "B" average or better) in 9 credits of work completed at Douglas College (or equivalent courses elsewhere). In addition, tutor candidates must meet the criteria listed below describing the subject area they wish to tutor.
Domestic students must meet ONE of the following criteria, to be eligible to work as a Student Assistant/Student Research Assistant:
1. The domestic student must be enrolled in, and maintain, a minimum of one or more (3 credit) courses at Douglas College throughout the work term; OR
2. The domestic student must have been enrolled in, and maintained, a minimum of one or more (3 credit) courses at Douglas College in the term immediately preceding the work term and has indicated an intention to enroll at the college in the term immediately following the work term; OR
3. The domestic student must be enrolled in, and maintain a minimum of two or more (3 credit) courses at another accredited public post-secondary institution in B.C. throughout the work term
International students must meet ONE of the following criteria, to be eligible to work as a Student Assistant/Student Research Assistant:
1. The international student is enrolled in full-time studies at Douglas College, throughout the academic year; OR
2. The international student, who is not a Douglas College student, but is an international student at another accredited public post-secondary institution in B.C., has a valid Study Permit that has the notation – “May accept employment on or off campus if meeting eligibility criteria as per R186 (F), (V) or (W). Must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.” Proof of enrollment in full-time studies from the other post-secondary institution is required.
Qualified Douglas College students meeting the above criteria will be given first preference over students of other qualifying institutions.
Writing Tutor

Writing tutors are strong writers themselves; they want to continue to improve their own writing while learning how to help other students with writing assignments at all levels and in all courses. We highly encourage multilingual students to apply to share their strategies with others.
To be successful in this role you will need:
- Strong writing skills (defined as a B or better in ENGL 1130 or CMNS 1115, plus other courses with a significant writing component)
- Basic understanding of integrating sources into writing using APA, MLA and/or Chicago style
- Ability to interpret assignment instructions and criteria for writing assignments
Plus these skills for asynchronous Writing Tutors:
- Proficiency using the internet and Microsoft Word (experience using Outlook and OneNote is a bonus)
- Demonstrated ability to be reliable, punctual, self-directed, and able to follow procedures
Please note that at your interview, you will also be asked to submit two writing samples from different departments or types of courses. These should be assignments you have written for a course that demonstrate your writing style and ability in two different types of academic writing assignments.
Content or Subject Area Tutor
Course content tutors in the Learning Centre help students learn core course concepts with an emphasis on study skills and self-reliant learning. These tutors work with students to help them learn the skills to succeed in the classes they are in, as well as skills they can take with them throughout their college career.
Accounting Tutor
"B" or better in ACCT 1110 and ACCT 1210; or ACCT 1235
Anatomy and Physiology Tutor
"B" or better in BIOL 1103/1105/1109 and BIOL 1203/1205/1209
Commerce and Business Tutor
"B" or better in ACCT 3008 or BUSN 1210 or BUSN 2429 or ECON 1150 or FINC 1231 (at least two)
Computing Science Tutor
"B" or better in CMPT 1105/1109 and MATH 1130
Computing Studies and Information Systems Tutor
"B" or better in CSIS 1175
General Science Tutor
"B" or better in BIOL 1110 or CHEM 1110 or PHYS 1110 (at least two)
Geography Tutor
"B" or better in GEOG 1110 and GEOG 1120
Modern Languages Tutor
Recommendation from the Modern Languages Department Chair
Music Tutor
"B" average or better in MUSC courses and a recommendation from the MUSC faculty chair.
Nursing Tutor
"B" average or better in Biology, Psychology, Psych Nursing, or Nursing courses; enrollment in the Nursing or Psych Nursing Program
Psychology Tutor
"B" or better in PSYC 1100, PSYC 1200, and PSYC 2300
Other qualifications may apply. Peer Tutors must meet criteria determined by the college to be hired as Student Assistants.

Before meeting with your first student, you will complete two weeks of training, which includes an orientation to the Learning Centre, readings in our tutoring manual, videos, activities and observations of more experienced tutors. Tutor training always takes place in the Learning Centre. All tutors do both pre-service and in-service training.
As a new tutor, you will be observed by faculty in one of your tutoring sessions near the end of the term and given feedback to improve your tutoring strategies.
Tutors complete between 30-60 hours of training per semester and can earn up to three levels of CRLA International Tutor Training Certification. Benefits to these high-achieving students include a deeper learning of basic skills in their courses, improved awareness of their own study skills, and increased professional and personal communication skills.
New tutors usually complete Level 1 CRLA training in your first term and returning tutors continue their training to achieve CRLA levels 2 and 3.