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Library Class Booking Form - Megan Toye

Megan Toye is the subject liaison librarian for Anthropology (ANTH), Sociology (SOCI), Geography (GEOG), and Disability and Community Studies (DACS). Megan is available to support students and faculty with developing and executing research projects, conducting literature reviews, teaching information literacy, and assisting with grant writing. Additional areas of interest and expertise include: digital humanities tools (including digital exhibitions, oral histories, metadata remediation, and digital storytelling); arts-based research methods; curatorial practice; and digital accessibility - use this form to submit your request. Megan will respond as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance please contact Megan directly via email at

If you are booking library instruction sessions for ENGL 1130 or BUSN 1210, please use the designated class booking form. This form helps us process your request quickly and ensures students receive consistent research skills instruction tailored to first-year courses.

Instructor name
Subject Area
Course Code and Section Number:
Is your class taught in person or online?
Select class location
Instructor Classroom (please including building code)

Please select synchronous class for all online and in-person classes taught by a librarian. If you would like just an assignment guide for your students to use asynchronously please select Asynchronous class.

Method of delivery:
Would you like a librarian embedded in a discussion board in your Blackboard course?
Instructional Session Date:
The first class of the day starts at 8:30 and the last class starts at 18:30.
Online materials availability deadline:
Number of Students:

Please fill out the information below to help us prepare for your students’ session.

One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
What core components would you like covered?
What database resources do your students need to find?
What other database resources do your students require?
Which citation style? Choose all that apply.
Please supply the name of the Other citation style:
What else would be helpful for you and your students?

Many thanks! Megan will follow-up with you shortly!

Access to Articles & Databases Work Around

We are not able to access Articles and Databases through the usual channels at the moment. OneSearch works as it should and you'll be able to do your research through the search bar at the top of the Library homepage. To access databases directly, copy and paste this URL into your browser: